Judgment 25692/19

Applicant type Natural person (prisoner)
Number of applicants 42
Country RUSSIA
Application no.25692/19, 26074/19, 26682/19, 27107/19
27494/19, 27984/19, 28306/19, 28558/19
28587/19, 28770/19, 28972/19, 29120/19
29126/19, 29128/19, 30036/19, 30052/19
30065/19, 30074/19, 30110/19, 30140/19
30286/19, 30327/19, 30444/19, 30500/19
30642/19, 30728/19, 30756/19, 30779/19
30808/19, 30818/19, 30821/19, 30827/19
30831/19, 30887/19, 30890/19, 30921/19
31168/19, 31176/19, 31190/19, 31221/19
31394/19, 31829/19
Date 05/10/2023
Judges María Elósegui, President,
 Mattias Guyomar,
 Kateřina Šimáčková
Institution Court
Type Judgment
Outcome Art. 8 Violation
Reason No legal basis
Type of privacy Informational privacy
Keywords Surveillance
Facts of the caseMain judgment about Article 3 ECHR
Art. 8 (1) – permanent video surveillance of detainees in pre-trial or post-conviction detention facilities – during the applicant’s detention in IK-25 Komi Republic, from 29/06/2020 to26/01/2021, opposite-sex operators
Analysis Mini-judgment
Other Article violation? Yes, many
Damage awarded 5000 to the applicant invoking Article 8 ECHR
Documents Judgment