Judgement 27284/17, 29910/19, 64909/19, 15983/20, 13053/21, 14462/21, 37612/21, 40240/21, 43278/21, 1837/22 and 3152/22

Applicant type Natural person (prisoner)
Number of applicants 11
Country Rusia
Application no. 27284/17, 29910/19, 64909/19, 15983/20, 13053/21, 14462/21, 37612/21, 40240/21, 43278/21, 1837/22 and 3152/22
Date 14/09/2023
Judges Peeter Roosma, President,
 Ioannis Ktistakis,
 Andreas Zünd, judges,
Institution Court
Type Judgment
Outcome Art. 8 Violation
Reason ?
Type of privacy Informational privacy
Keywords Video surveillance
Facts of the case Art. 8 (1) – permanent video surveillance of detainees in pre-trial or post-conviction detention facilities – IK-1 Tver Region, 20/08/2019 -03/11/2020, opposite‑sex operators, video surveillance in a lavatory and/or shower room.
Analysis No analysis provided by the ECtHR, only a reference to established case law
Other Article violation? Yes, Article 3, 5 and 6
Damage awarded 2876.000
Documents Judgment