Applicant name | X. |
Applicant type | Natural person |
Country | UK |
Decision no. | 7547/76 |
Date | 15/12/1977 |
Judges | – |
Institution | Commission |
Type | Decision |
Outcome Art. 8 | Inadmissible |
Reason | No interference |
Type of privacy | Family privacy |
Keywords | Positive obligation; family reunion; third country; ratione loci |
Facts of the case | Applicant married Jordan man; he brought their child to live with family in Jordan. She obtained a UK court order, demanding him to return the child, but he left for Jordan. |
Analysis | Applicant wants UK authorities to actively ensure that her child is returned to her custody, but they have only adviced her on attracting a Jordan lawyer to enforce the UK court order on Jordan’s territory and have informed her about the well-being of the child. The Commission stresses that no more can be done by the UK. |
Documents | Decision |