Applicant name | X. |
Applicant type | Natural person (prisoner) |
Country | The United Kingdom |
Decision no. | 5852/72 |
Date | 08/07/1974 |
Judges | –
Institution | Commission |
Type | Decision |
Outcome Art. 8 | Inadmissible |
Reason | Manifestly ill-founded (disorder and crime) |
Type of privacy | Informational privacy |
Keywords | Correspondence prisoner |
Facts of the case | Procedure imposed for corresponding |
Analysis | Necessary in light of the prevention of disorder and crime to have a procedure in place for prisoners to correspond. The Commission does stress that a procedure could be such as that it would violate Article 8 ECHR, but that this is not the case currently. ‘It is true that such a procedure could be abused by the authorities and might thus raise a serious question as to whether there had been any appearance of a violation of the rights and freedoms set out in the Convention and in particular in Article 8 (Art. 8).’ |
Documents | Decision |