Applicant name | X. and Y. |
Applicant type | Natural person (prisoner) |
Country | The United Kingdom |
Decision no. | 5775/72 5856/72 |
Date | 19/07/1974 |
Judges | –
Institution | Commission |
Type | Decision |
Outcome Art. 8 | Inadmissible |
Reason | Ratione materiae |
Type of privacy | Bodily privacy |
Keywords | Corporal punishment |
Facts of the case | Corporal punishment of juvenile delinquents. |
Analysis | The Commission declares the case admissible with respect to Article 3, but not with respect to Article 8 ECHR. In later jurisprudence, to the contrary, the Commission and the Court would develop a prefference for accepting cases under the realm of Article 8 ECHR rather than Article 3 ECHR when they concern matters of bodily integrity. |
Documents | Decision |