Applicant name | X. |
Applicant type | Natural person |
Country | Germany |
Decision no. | 3781/68 |
Date | 15/12/1969 |
Judges | –
Institution | Commission (Plenary) |
Type | Decision |
Outcome Art. 8 | Inadmissible |
Reason | Manifestly ill-founded; no interference |
Type of privacy | Economic privacy |
Keywords | Widow; pension; criteria |
Facts of the case | A widow of a victim of a Nazi persecution has the right to a widow’s pension, if a pension had been granted to her deceased husband under this Act. However, this is limited to such persons only who married before 2 June 1956. Consequently a widow is not entitled to such a pension if she had married the victim of Nazi persecution after this date. This is unfair, according to the applicant. |
Analysis | The Commission does not see what could be the interference with Article 8 ECHR. |
Documents | Decision |