
Applicant name X.
Applicant type Natural Person
Country Germany
Decision no. 2822/66
Date 06/02/1968
Institution Commission
Type Decision
Outcome Art. 8 Inadmissible
Reason Resolution of case; Manifestly Ill-founded; Health and Morals
Type of privacy Family Privacy
Keywords Custody
Facts of the case Man and wife divorce; man takes child with him; national courts, however, awarded custody to a guardian.
Analysis The man has submitted that during the procedure before the Commission, he was awarded custody, without specifying any details on that decision. The Commission does not evaluate the veracity of that claim, but stresses that if this were indeed the case, the claim should be dismissed.

To be on the safe side, the Commission also evaluates the matter in substance. Interestingly (see 2648/65), the Commission refers both to the grounds of the protection of health and morals and the protection of the rights and freedoms of others initially. However, it primarily deals with the notion of health and morals and also explicitly stresses that this ground is not only intended to provide a legitimate reason for the protection of communal standards. ‘Que lorsque les autorités publiques compétentes sont appelées à statuer sur ce point, elles prennent notamment en considération les intérêts de l’enfant (cf. Article 1671 du Code civil allemand); que, de l’avis de la Commission, les termes “protection de la santé et de la morale”, figurant au paragraphe 2 de l’article 8 (art. 8) ne visent pas seulement la protection, en général, de la santé ou de la morale de l’ensemble d’une communauté, mais aussi la protection de la santé ou de la morale des membres individuels de la communauté; que la Commission estime en outre que les termes “santé ou morale” désignent nécessairement tant le bien-être psychologique que le bien-être physique de l’individu; que la Commission s réfère, à se sujet, à sa décision du 10 avril 1961 sur la recevabilité de la requête No 911/60 (Annuaire IV, p. 217);”

Documents Decision